Item Number: EVG135 This is a Package of Ten .030 x .100 Styrene Strips from Evergreen.They are for experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene strips are 14 long.Strips may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train scratch building or general scratch model building.User friendly, economical, and…
Item Number: EVG138 This is a Package of Ten .030 x .188 Styrene Strips from Evergreen.They are for experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene strips are 14 long.Strips may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train scratch building or general scratch model building.User friendly, economical, and…
Item Number: EVG220 This Package Contains Ten .035 White Styrene Plastic Round Rodsfrom Evergreen Scale Models. FEATURESSolid white styrene round rods are sturdy and durable for any model.Flexible plastic rods may be cut to fit your needs for any size scaleof structure.Used for bracing, cabling, piping, wiring, conduit or wherever roundstock is appropriate.Ideal for all…
Item Number: EVG4031 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .030 Spaced ClapboardSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is molded with overlapping .030 spaced panels to resembleclapboard siding.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger…
Item Number: EVG4041 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .040 Spaced ClapboardSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is molded with overlapping .040 spaced panels to resembleclapboard siding.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger…
Item Number: EVG4061 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .060 Spaced ClapboardSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is molded with overlapping .060 spaced panels to resembleclapboard siding.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger…
Item Number: EVG4081 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .080 Spaced ClapboardSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is molded with overlapping .080 spaced panels to resembleclapboard siding.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger…
Item Number: EVG4101 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .100 Spaced ClapboardSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is molded with overlapping .100 spaced panels to resembleclapboard siding.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger…
Item Number: EVG240 There are 6 StripStyrene .040 Half Round Rods Within ThisEvergreen Scale Models Package. FEATURESUse for bumpers, building trim, recessed conduit or wherever halfrounds are used.White styrene half round rods may be cut to fit modeling needs forany scale.Sturdy and durable.User friendly and economical.High quality styrene material enhances scratch model buildingtechniques.May be painted…
Item Number: EVG4062 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .060 Spaced Novelty Designfrom Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet has a groove in it every .060 .Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used…
Item Number: EVG4067 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with a .040 Spaced O Freight CarSiding Design from Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet has a horizontal groove in it every .040 .Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale…
Item Number: EVG211 This package contains Ten .040 White Styrene Plastic Round Rodsfrom Evergreen Scale Models. FEATURESSolid white styrene round rods are sturdy and durable for any model.Flexible plastic rods may be cut to fit your needs for any size scaleof structure.Used for bracing, cabling, piping, wiring, conduit or wherever roundstock is appropriate.Ideal for all…
Item Number: EVG4516 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with 1 4 Squares Sidewalk Designfrom Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is scored into 1 4 squares.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train…
Item Number: EVG4514 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with 1 8 Squares Sidewalk Designfrom Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is scored into 1 8 squares.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train…
Item Number: EVG4515 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with 3 16 Squares Sidewalk Designfrom Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is scored into 3 16 squares.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train…
Item Number: EVG4502 This is a Sheet of .040 Styrene with 1 12 Square Tile Designfrom Evergreen Scale Models.For experienced model builders. FEATURESWhite styrene sheet is 12 x 6 .The sheet is scored into 1 12 squares.Sheet may be cut and shaped to fit modeling needs – small scale tolarger scale.Sturdy and durable.Used for train…